Nursery 2023 - 2024

Miss Coates



Welcome to the Nursery Class Page!

Nursery Team:

Miss L Coates - Nursery Teacher

Mrs J Allen - Nursery Nurse

Mrs J Roberts and Mrs K Pickering - 1:1 Support Assistants

Mrs D Evans - HLTA (PPA Cover on Tuesdays)


Nursery Session Times:

Morning Nursery 8.15am - 11.15am

Afternoon Nursery 12.15pm - 3.15pm


Important Information:

Forest Friday

Forest School session - every Friday. Please send your child to nursery wearing wellies and weather appropriate, old clothing that is suitable for the outdoors (see 'Our Forest School' tab at the top of the page).

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Library Visit

In Nursery we love books and want our children to develop a love of books and stories. Every Wednesday we visit our school library where the children can choose a book to take home and share with their family. Nursery Library is every Wednesday, please send your child's book bag on this day.

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In Nursery we love to build relationships and work with our parents as much as we can. 'Walk-in Wednesdays' are a walk-in session every Wednesday where parents can stay and play alongside their child for the first 45 minutes of the session. It's great for our parents to be able to work alongside their children in our fantastic learning environment.

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Barnaby Bear's Bedtime Stories

Our class bear is called Barnaby and one lucky child each week gets to take Barnaby Bear home to enjoy a weekend of fun, topped off with a story time with some of our favourite books. Maybe you could even enjoy them with a glass of milk or hot chocolate at bedtime!

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We are a read-a-lot, talk-a-lot and sing-a-lot nursery. Our children are immersed in singing, nursery rhymes and quality texts / stories right from their starting point at school!


Curriculum Design

EYFS Curricular Goals:

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Our curricular goals provide a stimulus to enhance our children's imagination, creativity and curiosity. We follow our children's interests and plan various enhancements to the continuous provision that ensure broad and balanced coverage of the EYFS framework and enable our children to develop the skills required to achieve the EYFS milestones. All our curricular goals are underpinned by the importance of developing children's speech and language.

Please refer to the 'Files to Download' tabs at the bottom of the page for tips to help your child at home and our EYFS Curriculum Design Documents.


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Our amazing learning environment...

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In Nursery over the Summer Term we have been really busy learning about Growth and New Life. As part of our learning on this theme we have planted our own Sunflower Seeds, which we watered and cared for at Nursery. The children noticed that they started to 'shoot' around a week after sowing our seeds. We learned lots of new Science words such as 'seed', 'root', 'petal', 'shoot' and 'stem'. Lots of Maths learning too- we discussed the size of our Sunflower shoots, made comparisions and practised both our careful counting and subitising skills! Nursery boys and girls are really enjoying sharing photo's of their Sunflowers at home via dojo too- and we have had some great discussions on the best way to care for our plants at home. Well Done Nursery!


IMG_9101(1).JPG Nursery Children have worked really hard to develop their fine motor skills. We are enjoying our daily dough disco and 'funky fingers' activities within provision- helping build the strength in our fingers and hands whilst developing the muscles in our arms and key pivot points (shoulders, elbows, wrists, fingers). This has helped Nursery children to be able to use tools such as scissors more effectively and with the correct grip. Check out the photo below of our super snipping skills! We also learned lots of new vocabulary along the way when discussing the different herbs, vegetables and leaves in the tuff tray.


During the Summer Term we have been learning about 'People who help us'. Following the children's interests we have transformed our role play area into a Dental Surgery! The children have played really imaginatively and used the available resources as props to support their pretend play. Waiting in the Dentists waiting room and taking on roles such as 'Dentist', 'Patient' and 'Receptionist', has really helped the children in their turn taking skills, creative thinking and also their language development. We enjoyed dressing up as people who worked in the Emergency Services, and we discussed the different roles and responsibilities. We used lots of non-fiction books and also stories as well as different small world resources to help enrich our learning even more. We also had the opportunity to meet some Firefighters and Police Officers- getting to sit inside of the police van and look at the Fire Engine! 



Our learning journey in Nursery...



December 2023

Today when the children came into nursery they found a letter and a huge surprise! We found and followed the snowy footprints and listened outside for any noises that could have been Father Christmas, his sleigh or his reindeer! The footprints led us to a letter and a sack of presents! We are are all in the festive spirit now and can't wait to explore our christmas activities!

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November 2023

Today is Children in Need 2023! We have been talking about why we raise money and how we can help other people. We have enjoyed lots of Pudsey Bear themed activities that have also helped us to develop our fine motor and creative skills. 

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We have had lots to celebrate in Nursery this month! We have been learning about Bonfire Night and why we celebrate on 5th November each year and we have also been learning about Diwali, the festival of lights!

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October 2023

In Nursery we love being expressive and imaginative. We had so much fun dressing up and dancing during our Spooky Party this month. We have also enjoyed exploring and using pumpkins as part of our play. We have discussed their different shapes and sizes, explored and investigated what is inside a pumpkin and used the seeds to develop our fine motor skills.

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September 2023

We are so excited to be back at school and starting a new school year! These first few weeks we will be settling into nursery, exploring the indoor and outdoor provision, getting to know each other and the routines of the nursery session. 

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