
At Owston Park Primary we understand the Internet is a fun and educational place to be but we also know it can be unsafe. At Owston Park we teach E-safety to the children through Gooseberry Planet on a fortnightly basis - please see the Safeguarding page of the website for more information.


Please find below information on a range of E-safety topics:

Cyber Security information from Parent Zone.

O2 information and guidance on keeping children safe online provided by O2

Twitch a safeguarding alert received regarding Twitch which is frequently used by children and young people

TikTok App Safety - What parents need to know a range of information on TikTok 

NSPCC a range of advice for parents on different e-safety issues

What is Fortnite? A Guide for Parents

Parental controls offered by your home internet provider a comprehensive guide on how to set up home internet to help prevent age inappropriate content being accessed

How to protect your children on the internet  

https://vimeo.com/436811787/a72a1af466 a short video on using video conferencing securely

Internet Matters helping parents to keep their children safe online

ParentSafe helping parents to keep their children safe online


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