Remote Education Journey

Our learning in Nursery so far...


W/B 1st March 2021

05.03.21 - Today the children found out about 'Thelma Three' in Ten Town. Today's challenge is to practise forming the number on a large scale whilst saying the rhyme: "Over one hand, over the next, stop and think which choice is best?" We talked about the importance of practising in lots of ways  - painting the number with water, using fingers to mark make in shaving foam, writing it large in the air with our fingers, mark making in rice, sugar etc! 


04.03.21 - World Book Day! To celeberate World Book Day, the children could dress up as their favourite book character at home, collect items around the house related to their favourite story or do an activity related to their favourite story. The children had lots of fun!

03.03.21 - Well done to Willow for winning today's number bingo during our virtual maths meeting!

02.03.21 - Today the children listened to the story 'Pirate Stew'. After listening to the story they were challenged to:

  • Make their own 'Scrubabdub Ship Wash' like the one in the story but a 'toy wash' to organise and wash the toys in their toy box.

  • Make their own Pirate Stew, talk about the ingredients and describe what it tastes like.


01.03.21 - Today the children found out about the 'i' sound. We looked at a picture of an insect and then looked what was inside the 'i' sound feely bag! The children were challenged to go on a hunt around their house to see what else they could find with the initial sound 'i'.

W/B 22nd February 2021

26.02.21 - Today the children found out about 'Tommy Two' in Ten Town. We sang the Tommy Two song and learnt the rhyme to help us form a one correctly when mark making. Today's challenge is to practise forming the number on a large scale whilst saying the rhyme: "Hands round to knees then straight across please!" We talked about the importance of practising in lots of ways, not just using writing tools such as - painting the number with water, using fingers to mark make in shaving foam, rice, sugar etc! 

Tommy Two challenged the children to match up all the socks in the house into pairs!


25.02.21 - Today the children enjoyed the story 'The Gingerbread man'. After listening to the story the children were challenged to:

  • Make a gingerbread man. This can be baked, made from playdough, drawn or cut out.

  • make the other characters / animals from the story 

  • retell the story, remebering to chant the repeated refrain "run, run as fast as you can, you can't catch me I'm the gingerbread man!"

24.02.21 - During our Maths meeting today we had a game of number bingo. The children did so well recognising the bingo numbers. Well done to Holly who won today's game!

23.02.21 - Today we decided to explore our natural world, responding with words or actions about the things we see and feel. We did this by going on a texture hunt around our homes and gardens looking for things that are: 

22.02.21 - Today the children found out about the 'a' sound. We looked at a picture of an apple and then looked what was inside the 'a' sound feely bag! The children were challenged to go on a hunt around their house to see what else they could find with the initial sound 'a'.


W/B 8th February 2021

12.02.21 - Today the children found out all about 'King One' in Ten Town! We sang the King One song and learnt the rhyme to help us form a one correctly when mark making. Today's challenge is to practise forming the number on a large scale whilst saying the rhyme: "From top to toe and there you go!" We talked about the importance of practising in lots of ways, not just using writing tools such as - painting the number with water, using fingers to mark make in shaving foam, rice, sugar etc! 

11.02.21 - Today the children listened to the story 'Animal Music' by Julia Donaldson. After listening to the story they were set a series of challenges:

  • Can you make their own instrument using junk found around the house?

  • Can you make up a rhythm with it?

  • Can you make up a song?

10.02.21 - Today we have had our 'Maths Meeting' and enjoyed a game of shape bingo!

09.02.21 - Today the children have taken part in 'Say the Sounds' activity.

 The children have been challenged to have a go at segmenting some of these words, taking on the role of Fred Frog and segmenting them into sounds: bed, hat, cup, hat, shoe, dog, pig. I hope the person who you play with can blend your sounds and find the correct object!



08.02.21 - Today the children found out about the 'm' sound. We looked at a picture of Maisie next tot he mountains and then looked what was inside the 'm' sound feely bag! The children were challenged to go on a hunt around their house to see what else they could find with the initial sound 'm'.

W/B 1st February 2021

05.02.21 - Today the children found out all about 'Zero Pond' in Ten Town! We found out about why zero pond has NOTHING living in it, we sang the zero pond song and learnt the rhyme to help us form a zero correctly when mark making. Today's challenge is to practise forming the number on a large scale whilst saying the rhyme: "Start at the top nice and slow, all the way round and there you go!" We talked about the importance of practising in lots of ways, not just using writing tools such as - painting the number with water, using fingers to mark make in shaving foam, rice, sugar etc! 


04.02.21 - To continue celebrating National Storytelling Week, today I read the children my favourite story - 'Zog' by Julia Donaldson. In the story Madame Dragon awards the pupils golden stars for completing their tasks. I set the children 5 of their own tasks in order to win 5 golden stars. Their tasks are:

  1. How many times can you write your name in 1 minute?

  2. How many strides is it from one side of your house to the other?

  3. Have a go at putting your own coat on and fastening it up by yourself.

  4. Run on the spot for 30 seconds as fast as you can. Feel your chest - talk about what you feel / notice?

  5. 5. Take a photograph by yourself of something in your house / garden and send it to me on class dojo.


03.02.21 - Today we really enjoyed playing Rex's shape bingo game! The children were all ready with their bingo cards and it was so much fun we have decided to play again during next week's maths meeting! Well done to Ezra and Albie for winning today's game!

  • Don't forget to make a new bingo card for next week containing a circle, square, triangle and rectangle. Choose from the following colours to colour your shapes in: red, orange, yellow, blue, pink and purple.


02.02.21 - As this week is 'National Storytelling Week', myself and Mrs Allen decided to choose our favourite story each to read to the children and set them an activity linked to the story.

Today's story is Mrs Allen's favourite - 'The Paper Dolls' by Julia Donaldson.

Follow up activity:

  • Can you use your cutting skills to make your own paper dolls?

  • What will you name your paper dolls?


01.02.21 - Today we started our session with dough disco to warm our fingers up! We then had a huge surprise! Over the weekend we have had a special delivery from the Natural History Museum! Rex the dinosaur has sent the nursery children a letter thanking them for the postcards that they sent him 2 weeks ago! Here it is...

For today's task the children had to make bingo cards following Rex's instructions, ready for Wednesday's shape bingo game!

W/B 25th January 2021

29.01.20 - Today the children were introduced to the characters who live in Ten Town. They are going to help to teach us all about numbers 0-10 and help us when writing numbers. Next week we will be finding all about Zero Pond. The children's task today was to make a 'Zero Pond'. This can be drawn, painted or made using whatver materials they wish. Remember, zero means 'nothing' so don't put any ducks or fish in your pond!

28.01.20 - Today the children listened to the story 'A Squash and a Squeeze'. We talked about how in nursery we call exciting words 'wonderful words'. In today's story the author uses lots of wonderful words instead of the word 'small' (e.g. poky, tiny, teeny, titchy).

-can you think of any wonderful words instead of the word 'big'?

-can you hear any rhyming words in the story? (words that sound the same e.g. please and squeeze)

-watch the video of the story again and this time whenever you hear words that sound the same wave your arms!



27.01.20 - Today we had a brilliant maths meeting during our zoom session. All the children had their number cards that they made last week and used them as part of our 'missing number' activity. The children were introduced to numicon tiles 1-5 and had to show the correct number card as I pulled a tile from the magic feely bag! They did so well at this! For today's follow up acvitiy the children had to find the correct amount of objects to match to each of their number cards e.g. 5 - five socks etc. They have done so well at matching the correct quantity to the numeral.


26.01.20 - "Ahoy, Me Hearties!" Today the children listened to the story 'Pirates Love Underpants'. Following the story they had to complete the following challenges:

  • Can you create a treasure map to guide a sibling or your parents to find something you've hidden in your house / garden?

  • Use pictures, arrows and symbols to help. Remember, X marks the spot!

  • Extra challenge: Can you follow a treasure map made for you by a grown up to find some treasure that they've hidden for you?

Have a swashbuckling time everyone!


25.01.20 - Following today's dough disco, I showed Mrs Allen and the children some familiar logos and signs. Understanding that print carries meaning and recognising logos is very important for early reading. The children had a go during the zoom session and then completed the following challenges:

  • Can you talk about them and talk about where you have seen them or what you associate them with?

  • Can you find more logos around the house and then talk about what they represent?


The children have done so well recognising the logos above and talking about what they mean to them. They have found so many logos in their homes and local areas too!


W/B 18th January 2021

22.01.20 - After playing 'Oral-blending'  I-Spy with Fred Frog on today's zoom, Fred challenegd the children to go on a scavenger hunt around their homes to find the following objects:

  1. cup / c-u-p

  2. dish / d-i-sh

  3. tin / t-i-n

  4. coat / c-oa-t

  5. pen / p-e-n

  6. brush / b-r-u-sh

  7. toy / t-oy

  8. boot / b-oo-t

  9. bin / b-i-n

  10. sock / s-o-ck

The children's grown ups segmented the words into sounds and the children had to blend the sounds together to say the word and find the objects. 


21.01.21 - Today the children watched a video of Fred Frog playing I-Spy with Mrs Allen. Fred sounded out the words and Mrs Allen blended the sounds together to say the colour word and selected the correct coloured object. The children were challenged to find these coloured objects to play the oral blending activity live with Fred frog on tommorow's zoom session.


20.01.21 - Well done to everyone for today’s maths meeting! It was lovely to see everyone participating and using their own weather cards / resources. Here are today’s follow up challenges:

1. Uploaded on Class Dojo are our number cards 0-5. In some pictures you will see that Fred has been mischievous and taken a number away. Can you sing the missing number song and say in a sentence what the missing number is?

Challenge: can you use the words ‘more’ and ‘less’.
E.g. “I know that the missing number is ___ because it is one more than ____ and one less than ___”

2. Can you make number cards 0-10 ready for next weeks maths meeting. You will need them to join in with 'missing number'.

Well done and I’ll look forward to finding out about the missing numbers and seeing your number cards!


Missing Number Song (to the tune of Frere Jacques)

“Missing number, missing number where are you, where are you?

We are going to find you, we are going to find you,

Yes we are, yes we are”



19.01.21 - Today Mrs Allen read the children the story 'T-Rex on Tour'. Rex told the nursery children that he wanted to find out all about them! The children were set a challenge to look into a mirror and tell Rex exactly what they looked like, make Rex a postcard with a picture of themselves on the front and write Rex's name. We are going to send our postcards to Rex's address:

Rex, Dinosaur Museum, Fossil Lane, Doncasterosaurus.

Hopefully Rex will send the nursery children a letter back!


18.01.21 - We started our zoom session today with 'Dough Disco' to get our bodies and fingers moving, ready to learn! The children then had to guess the missing word that I left out of some of our favourite nursery rhymes and lines from familiar stories. They then had to complete their own challenge at home.

Can you present the missing word from these nursery rhymes and stories:

  • Five little monkeys jumping on the ____, one fell off and bumped his ____.

  • Baa baa black ____ have you any wool? Yes sir, yes sir, three ____ full.

  • Hickory dickory dock, the mouse ran up the ____.

  • Is there room on the ____ for a ____ like me?

  • I am a dragon as mean as can be and i'm planning to have ____ and chips for my tea.

The children have worked so hard and done such a great job!


W/B 11th January 2021

15.01.20 - On today's zoom we learnt about positional langage. Using the rocket they made yesterday, the children positioned a chosen object in front of the rocket, behind the rocket, at the side of the rocket, under the rocket and on top of the rocket. They were then challenged to find other places around their home were they could place their object with the addition of 'in'.


14.01.20 - Today the children watched a video of me reading the story 'Whatever Next'. They then had to complete some challenges that were linked to the story: 

  • make a rocket (which will also be needed for an activity during tomorrow's zoom session)

  • pretend to have a picnic on the moon

  • look out of the window tonight and see if you can see the moon.

The children have made some amazing rockets! Of course everyone enjoyed today's snow too! They made snow people, snow animals and had fun having snowball fights!


13.01.20 - Today we all took part in our first vitual maths meeting on our zoom session. We really enjoyed singing the days of the week song, talking about the weather and singing number songs. The children's challenge was to make their own weather cards to use in our future virtual maths meetings. The children have been so creative!


12.01.20 - Today I set the children a challenge to see how many numbers they noticed within their indoor and outdoor environments. Its amazing how many numbers are all around us! Why don't you go on a number hunt next time you go on a walk in your local area, or in the kitchen while you eat your breakfast?


11.01.20 - We enjoyed our first virtual dough disco on our zoom session today. Dough disco is brilliant for developing our fine motor skills to help us become super writers. Following the dough disco, our challenge was to make lots of different shapes and shape pictures using our playdough.

We will be having a virtual dough disco every Wednesday at the start of the zoom session. Here is our simple, non-cook playdough recipe for parents to make playdough at home for children to use:

  • 1 cup of salt

  • 2 cups of plain flour

  • 2 tablespoons of cooking oil

  • 2 cups of boiling water

  • Food colouring or powder paint (if you want a colour)

Mix all the ingredients together, adding the boiling water last. Keep mixing until it all comes together and forms a ball. Have fun!

W/B 4th January 2021

During our Remote Learning this week we really enjoyed seeing all our friends for the first time since the Christmas Break via zoom. Our challenge was to draw or paint pictures of our favourite Christmas presents.

Also this week, the children have been introduded to 'Fred Frog' during a zoom session. He is going to be very important for our upcoming phonics work. On Friday 8th January, Fred played a game to teach us about oral blending and segmenting. Here are some other ideas to continue these activities at home.

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